The Finnish All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sexual Rights and Development

The Finnish All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sexual Rights and Development (APPG) was founded by members of parliament representing different political parties in 1995 on Väestöliitto’s initiative. It is an open group for all members of parliament and MEPs interested in development policies and cooperation. The group’s president is MP Saara Hyrkkö.
The group’s main objectives are to promote gender equality and the sexual health and rights of people in the most vulnerable positions in the development policies and cooperation both in Finland and in the European Union. The group also aims to increase Finland’s development cooperation budget and the emphasis of the sexual health and rights programmes.
The sexual rights and development group offers MPs, MEPs, experts and development cooperation operators a discussion platform. The group also submits written questions and gives statements, organises expert events and takes part in the field’s international operations.
The group is part of the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights, which acts as the umbrella organisation for similar groups in the parliaments of European countries.