
The research institute within the Family Federation of Finland helps understand demographic shifts, birth rates and family life in Finland. 

The Population Research Institute conducts research on families, relationships and Finnish population. We share our expertise actively with journalists and decision-makers. We provide crucial and reliable information about current megatrends affecting our society: our research focuses on the ageing population and their lives as well as the causes of declining birth rates in Finland. 

Currently our research centers around three themes: fertilitywellbeing of families and ageing. We coordinate two European Research Infrastructures in FinlandSurvey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) and Generations and Gender Survey (GGS). 

Our annual publications are the Family Barometer and the Finnish Yearbook of Population ResearchThe theme of the Family Barometer changes each year, but it always addresses topical issues affecting Finnish families.  

The Population Research Institute is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.  Institute is part of Population Europe network.

Students: Our research institute welcomes visiting research interns and students willing to use our data sets for their bachelor’s and master’s theses on a regular basis. Get in contact with us or send an open application to our Research Director, if you are interested! 
