Services for young adults

Online chat about relationship issues
Young adults under the age of 35 can discuss relationship problems with a relationship expert free of charge in a private chat, available through the Hyvä kysymys -online service. The chat chat is open Mondays from 10 to 12 a.m. and Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m.
Chat online about relationship issues by appointment
Chat sessions with a relationship expert can be booked regularly at the Hyvä kysymys -online service free of charge. The service is meant for young adults and couples under the age of 35. You can chat about all relationship issues.
Chat online with a sexual counsellor by appointment
Appointments for a chat with a sexual counsellor can be booked regularly at the Hyvä kysymys -online service free of charge. The service is meant for young adults and couples under the age of 35. You can chat in real time with a sexual counsellor about sexuality issues.
Group chats
We also occasionally organize group chats on current themes. In a group chat, young adults can give each other peer support on an online platform moderated by our professionals.