The Family-Friendly Workplace Certificate

The Family-Friendly Workplace Program proceeds in stages and it supports the goal-oriented development of family-friendly practices. Finally, Väestöliitto evaluates whether the organisation meets the criteria of family-friendliness.
The Family-Friendly Workplace Program supports employers in receiving the certificate. Participation in the program is subject to a fee.
The program features various stages during up to three years:
- initial review: compiling data and documents concerning the organisation’s current level of family-friendliness
- implementing a staff survey: conducted as a part of the initial review
- development plan: compiled based on the initial review
- total assessment: implemented at the end of the program.
Evidence of family-friendliness is collected comprehensively from the organisation both at the level of attitudes and actions. Evidence of family-friendliness includes such factors as:
- commendable results in the family-friendliness survey among the entire personnel
- updated, legislated equality and parity plan required from companies employing 30 people or more
- other documents, personnel key figures and indicators that can prove the level of family-friendliness.
The certification is valid three years at a time. Väestöliitto has trademark protection® for the Family-Friendly Workplace Certificate.
The certified organisation must pay annual fee to the Family Federation of Finland as well as report their family-friendliness and progression.