
We believe that we can achieve more together. Thus we have surrounded us with several networks of high expertise on SRHR.
Countdown 2030 Europe is a Consortium of 15 leading European non-governmental organizations working to ensure advancement of human rights and investment in family planning. Since 2004, our Consortium has established itself as Europe’s leading collective voice on the importance of addressing the global unmet need for family planning.
In European countries and with the EU Institutions, Countdown 2030 Europe holds donors to account for their policy and funding commitments to achieve universal access to reproductive health and address the unmet need for family planning.
Together with with Countdown2030Europe we also collect data and create resources for policymakers, donors and civil society organizations to advocate more effectively for reproductive health and family planning in national, European and international fora.
Webpages of Countdown2030Europe.
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
We are a member association The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). IPPF is a Federation of 131 Member Associations working in 143 countries, with an active presence in a further 21 countries, totalling 164 countries in which IPPF works. IPPF is a locally owned, globally connected civil society movement that works to ensure people are free to make choices about their sexuality and well-being, in a world without discrimination.
Cooperation with Finnish partners
We coordinate the Finnish network of sexual rights
We are active in the work of our umbrella organization Fingo. Fingo is an NGO platform and an expert on global development. We represent 300 Finnish civil society organisations and strive to build a fairer world for all.
UN population fund UNFPA

UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Väestöliitto is UNFPA’s partner in Finland. Our joint objective is to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). UNFPA’s mission is to deliver a world in which every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.
With UNFPA’s support we are increasing Finnish members of parliaments, MEPs and civil servants’ awareness and commitment to SRHR. In addition, our objective is to increase youth participation advancing SRHR and increase awareness of general public on SRHR.
Annually we organize State of World Population report launch event together with UNFPA. Also, we participate together on World Village festival and distribute UNFPA messages to political decision makers and to general public.
We are part of OneUN Finland Coordination Group where we are representing UNFPA. OneUN Finland Coordination Group is a platform to improve cooperation between UN organizations and affiliates in Finland.