The book Sexual Mind available online

Osmo Kontula’s book Sexual mind - Exploring the origins of arousal is now available online in English. The book is about origins of desire and arousal, that are hidden in the mind.
The book approaches the sexual mind and arousal from multiple perspectives. Its central aim is to offer the reader information and perspectives that may be helpful in understanding why certain sexual matters are especially interesting or arousing to us, and why it is that they specifically inspire us most.
The book opens up several new and interesting perspectives on the sexuality of the mind. The information used in the book is based largely on Kontulas’s long experience as a researcher in the field of sexuality, as well as many of his previous sexological publications.
The information in this book can also be used in working with clients and patients, particularly in the areas of sexual counseling and therapy. It was originally published in Finnish in 2017 by Duodecim Publishing.
Osmo Kontula is PhD and Research Professor who works at the Population Research Institute in the Family Federation of Finland. He has studied sexual issues more than 30 years and has published in sexology a lot of books and articles
Kontula, O. (2021). The Sexual Mind: Exploring the Origins of Arousal. Helsinki: Väestöliitto, Population Research Institute.