Guide to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Finland is committed in its foreign and development policy to promote Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). Therefore, it is important that Finnish civil servants all around the world, especially the ones working in developing countries, related to development issues, human rights and gender equality, ensure that they have basic knowledge on SRHR.
We have created this material to provide information on what SRHR is, why it is important for sustainable development and how it is interconnected with human rights, gender equality, education, health, climate and the overall achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.
SRHR is a broad matter. This material focuses on certain thematic focus areas, thus does not introduce an exhaustive list of all of the aspects of SRHR. Our goal is to give a short introduction to some of the most important topics, and we have listed under each topic some sources to find additional information.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Väestöliitto’s advocacy advisers Riikka Kaukoranta ( and Sonja Hyötylä ( All the contact information for our Global Development Unit can be found here.