How to advance SRHR

Currently, one of the main priorities of Finland's development policy is to promote the rights and status of women and girls. Concretely supporting sexual and reproductive health and rights through development policy means raising their profile in international advocacy, supporting international sexual rights organizations and funding development cooperation that promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Currently the first priority of Finland’s development policy is to promote the status of women and girls, self-determination and sexual and reproductive health. Concretely supporting sexual and reproductive health and rights through development policy means raising their profile in international advocacy, supporting international sexual rights organizations and funding development cooperation that promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Finnish embassies have the opportunity to promote human rights-based development worldwide. Finland has extensive expertise, for example, on the benefits of comprehensive sexuality education and the impact of universal counselling services on sexual and reproductive health.

In its bilateral development cooperation, Finland can make sexual and reproductive health and rights a priority in country programmes, as is currently the case in several countries. In concrete terms, Finland can for example support UNFPA country offices and local NGOs to work on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights can be emphasized in policy dialogue with partner countries, including support for politically difficult issues such as safe abortion, comprehensive sexuality education and the rights of sexual and gender minorities. Sexual and reproductive health and rights can be emphasized in a variety of contexts, for example in the development of social protection and health systems and the promotion of universal health coverage.

In addition, embassy outreach to local sexual rights organizations is also an important signal to the partner country and its civil society.

In international advocacy and diplomacy, sexual and reproductive health and rights should be raised whenever possible. Ambitious language should be promoted and rights already achieved should be defended in international negotiations.